


Hi,我是曹福磊,图形学软件工程师,主要语言是 C++。2020年3月参加工作。



C++ 研发工程师(2021年8月2023年12月)

公司: 北京中科大洋科技发展股份有限公司

  • 底层封装:

    • 封装 OpenGL 底层模块和编写 GLSL 着色器,使渲染支持 OpenGL 和 DirectX,并提升了100%以上的整体渲染性能。
    • 在系统中实现 C4D 功能的阵列和放样。
  • 项目开发:

    • 参与多个 QT 项目的界面和底层开发,包括 CGDesigner 模板制作软件和 eMagic 虚拟软件。
    • 跨平台迁移和开发,覆盖 Windows、Ubuntu 和麒麟系统。
  • 功能完善:

    • 掌握完整的敏捷开发流程,包括系统分析、设计、UML 绘制,搭建模块框架,完成对应功能,并负责 googletest 单元测试。
  • 亚运会项目:

    • 独自负责整个开发团队,与腾讯游戏数据对接,使用 QT 定制开发直播转播工具,确保亚运会期间顺利运行。
  • 技术选型:

    • OpenGL、GLSL、googletest、imgui、sfml 网络库、QT、MySql、RenderDoc、vulkan。


公司: 天津卓筑汇信息科技有限公司

  • 技术指导:

    • 管理建筑组团队,指导产品技术人员设计、开发工作,进行 bug 定位和分析。
  • 技术培训:

    • 组织实施研发类培训,对项目实施人员和生产人员进行新产品、新技术培训。
  • 计划推进:

    • 根据产品指导战略,对部门规章制度进行完善和规范,全面负责产品设计管理,更新项目任务,总结工作周报,对月度绩效进行考核。
  • 软件开发:

    • 通过 OSG 开源引擎,二维制图、数学算法、通用工具、事件响应机制等模块,组成智能化建筑设计软件。
    • 负责第三方库 ODA(OpenDesignAlliance)数据和公司数据兼容,读写 CAD 文件,写入 PDF、图片等其他格式。
  • 业绩:

    • 与前端合作,在融资期间完成总体功能系统的集成,工具库对功能进行验证,帮助公司顺利完成一轮融资。
    • 获得研发部门最高的期权奖励。


  • 4 年以上研发经验,熟悉 OpenGL、C++ 语言数据结构和算法,熟悉常用设计模式,跨平台开发、C++11 和 C++17。
  • 熟悉使用 QT 开发,对应用程序进行开发,了解 STL 的各种容器类型和应用。
  • 熟悉规范的测试流程,熟悉使用 bug 追踪管理工具,掌握 OpenGL 技术搭建相关开发环境和服务。
  • 在 Linux 系统下,掌握脚本语言、开发工具及服务器的使用。


  • 软考-中级-软件设计师
  • 软考-初级-程序员技术资格




About Me

About Me

Hi, I’m Cao Fulei, a graphics software engineer primarily using C++. I entered the workforce in March 2020.


Work Experience

C++ Developer (August 2021 - December 2023)

Company: Beijing Zhongke Dayang Technology Development Co., Ltd.

  • Low-Level Development:

    • Wrapped OpenGL low-level modules and wrote GLSL shaders to enable rendering support for both OpenGL and DirectX, resulting in a 100%+ overall rendering performance improvement.
    • Implemented array and extrude functionalities based on C4D features in the system.
  • Project Development:

    • Worked on multiple QT projects for interface and low-level development, including CGDesigner template creation software and eMagic virtual software.
    • Conducted cross-platform migration and development for Windows, Ubuntu, and Kylin systems.
  • Feature Enhancement:

    • Proficient in the complete agile development process, including system analysis, design, UML drawing, module framework setup, feature implementation, and responsibility for googletest unit testing.
  • Asian Games Project:

    • Solely responsible for the entire development team, interfaced with Tencent gaming data, and custom-developed a live broadcasting tool using QT for the Asian Games project, ensuring smooth operation during the event.
  • Technology Stack:

    • OpenGL, GLSL, googletest, imgui, sfml network library, QT, MySql, RenderDoc, Vulkan.

Development Manager (March 2020 - June 2021)

Company: Tianjin Zhuozhuhui Information Technology Co., Ltd.

  • Technical Guidance:

    • Managed the architecture team, providing guidance to product technical personnel in design and development work, and conducted bug localization and analysis.
  • Technical Training:

    • Organized and implemented development-related training, providing new product and new technology training for project and production personnel.
  • Plan Execution:

    • Based on product guidance strategies, improved and standardized departmental rules and regulations, fully responsible for product design management, updated project tasks, summarized weekly reports, and assessed monthly performance.
  • Software Development:

    • Developed intelligent architectural design software using the OSG open-source engine, including modules for 2D drawing, mathematical algorithms, general tools, and event response mechanisms.
    • Responsible for compatibility between third-party ODA (OpenDesignAlliance) data and company data, reading/writing CAD files, and exporting to PDF, images, and other formats.
  • Achievements:

    • Collaborated with the front end to integrate overall functional systems during the financing period, validated functions using tool libraries, and helped the company successfully complete a financing round.
    • Received the highest stock option reward in the R&D department.

Relevant Skills

  • Over 4 years of development experience, proficient in OpenGL, C++ language, data structures, and algorithms, familiar with common design patterns, cross-platform development, C++11, and C++17.
  • Familiar with QT development, application development, and knowledge of various container types and applications in STL.
  • Familiar with standardized testing processes, bug tracking management tools, and setting up development environments and services using OpenGL technology.
  • Proficient in scripting languages, development tools, and servers on the Linux system.


  • Software Design Engineer (Intermediate Level) - Qualification Certificate of Computer and Software Technology Proficiency
  • Programmer Technical Qualification (Junior Level) - Qualification Certificate of Computer and Software Technology Proficiency

Social Profiles

Hobbies: Calligraphy
